Leadership Team

Brent Herspiegel

Beth Schurman

Co-Founding Partner and COO

Greg Chandler

Chief Financial Officer

Hayes MacArthur

Chief People Officer

Santosh Naik

Partner, Launch Excellence Practice Lead

Brian Torres

Partner, Patient Services Practice Lead

Jay Jackson

Partner, Market Access Practice Lead

James Convery

Principal, Market Access

Kwamaa Duah

Principal, Medical Communications

Kristine Flemister

Principal, Value and Access Communications

Kim Glenn

Principal, Evidence and Value

Ryan Goulding


Patrick Hillan

Principal, Science and Strategy

Maik Klasen


Mariana Kura


Greg Mader

Principal, Evidence and Value

Jerry O’Sullivan


Emily Phillips

Principal, Market Access

Kapil Raina

Principal, Market Access

Swathi Rangan


Will Sargent


Chris Zealey

Principal, Science and Strategy

Commercial Team

Laura Gately

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Alexis Gescheider

Vice President, Commercialization

Deb Macaleer

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Vince Piccioni

Vice President, Business Development

Matt Righter

Executive Vice President, Business Development

Brian Williams

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Emily Phillips

Principal, Market Access


Emily comes to us with 20+ years of reimbursement and market access experience, first working as a reimbursement consultant at Xcenda for 9 years, providing multiple pharmaceutical and biotech clients with pre- and-post commercialization strategies and tactics to help launch a variety of physician-administered drugs, biologics, and devices. Emily worked with leaders across managed markets, reimbursement, trade, marketing, and sales teams to help overcome payer access barriers, including coverage, coding, and payment needs.

Emily transitioned into the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years, where she led and managed reimbursement strategy and health policy needs at Salix Pharmaceuticals, Otsuka, and Pharming Healthcare. Emily was responsible for managing Hub, PAP, copay programs, field reimbursement teams, as well as clinical nurse educators to ensure patient access and adherence. With this experience, she was most recently able to help a few service providers directly and open her own consulting practice to enhance patient and provider experience. Emily will be bringing to us some of her existing clients, while focusing on growing our client base.

In her spare time, Emily enjoys hiking, playing disc golf, spending time with her family and dog, and traveling. Emily has recently become an Owl’s fan with her son attending Temple University.

Thought Leadership

Leadership Team

Co-Founding Partner and COO

Chief Financial Officer

Chief People Officer

Partner, Launch Excellence Practice Lead

Partner, Patient Services Practice Lead

Partner, Market Access Practice Lead

Principal, Market Access

Principal, Medical Communications

Principal, Value and Access Communications

Principal, Evidence and Value

Principal, Science and Strategy



Principal, Evidence and Value

Principal, Market Access

Principal, Market Access



Principal, Science and Strategy

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Vice President, Commercialization

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Director, Patient Services

Vice President, Business Development

Executive Vice President, Business Development

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Director, People, Culture and Operations