Leadership Team

Brent Herspiegel

Founder And CEO

Beth Schurman

Co-Founding Partner and COO

Greg Chandler

Chief Financial Officer

Hayes MacArthur

Chief People Officer

Eric Matckie

Chief Growth Officer

Santosh Naik

Partner, Launch Excellence Practice Lead

Swathi Rangan


Brian Torres

Partner, Patient Services Practice Lead

James Convery

Principal, Market Access

Kwamaa Duah

Principal, Medical Communications

Kristine Flemister

Principal, Value and Access Communications

Kim Glenn

Principal, Evidence and Value

Ryan Goulding


Patrick Hillan

Principal, Science and Strategy

Maik Klasen

General Manager, Sr. Partner

Mariana Kura


Jerry O’Sullivan


Emily Phillips

Principal, Market Access

Kapil Raina

Principal, Market Access

Will Sargent


Chris Zealey

Principal, Science and Strategy

Commercial Team

Eric Matckie

Chief Growth Officer

Alexis Gescheider

Vice President, Commercialization

Deb Macaleer

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Vince Piccioni

Vice President, Business Development

Matt Righter

Executive Vice President, Business Development

Brian Williams

Senior Vice President, Commercialization

Herspiegel, Adivo Associates, Mariana Kura

Mariana Kura



Mariana is a Director at Adivo Associates and she leads Latin American operations. For over 15 years, Mariana’s passion for solving complex problems and a true commitment to excellence has allowed her to successfully lead a wide range of strategic consulting projects.

With a focus on specialty therapeutics worldwide, Mariana has worked extensively on market entry strategies and brand management, as well as on market opportunity assessments for potential new compounds and gene therapy. Mariana’s expertise in international specialty markets has given her the ability to quickly identify key dynamics, growth opportunities, and success factors: abilities of paramount importance for the effective navigation of challenging scenarios.

Mariana has broad expertise in decision-analytic methodologies, co-founded Fundación MARA (Methodologies for Allocation of Resources in Argentina) and used to be a professor at the University of Buenos Aires.

Mariana earned her cum laude degree in Business Administration at the University of Buenos Aires and holds a project management certification. She served as a Decision Analysis professor at the University of Buenos Aires and as a guest lecturer for Simulation and Risk Analysis at the MBA from the University of Palermo, Argentina.

Thought Leadership

    Leadership Team

    Founder And CEO

    Co-Founding Partner and COO

    Chief Financial Officer

    Chief People Officer

    Chief Growth Officer

    Partner, Launch Excellence Practice Lead

    Partner, Patient Services Practice Lead

    Principal, Market Access

    Principal, Medical Communications

    Principal, Value and Access Communications

    Principal, Evidence and Value

    Principal, Science and Strategy

    General Manager, Sr. Partner


    Principal, Market Access

    Principal, Market Access


    Principal, Science and Strategy

    Vice President, Commercialization

    Senior Vice President, Commercialization

    Director, Patient Services

    Vice President, Business Development

    Executive Vice President, Business Development

    Senior Vice President, Commercialization

    Director, People, Culture and Operations