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Leveraging Archetypes for an Effective Drug Launch Strategy

Critical launch activities and lessons learned from each pharmaceutical product launch archetype profile.

We use product launch archetypes to tailor our launch activities in different ways. Instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach to your go-to-market strategy, archetyping gives companies a practical approach to planning, considering the characteristics of each launch type. Based on our extensive experience with pharmaceutical product launches, we have developed an archetype model that profiles the right launch strategy and plan based on product differentiation and market maturity.

Leveraging Archetypes for an Effective Drug Launch Strategy

There are four archetypes in our model.

In this paper we cover the critical launch activities aimed at each targeted stakeholder group for each of the four archetypes and share case studies that demonstrate how these archetypes are used to achieve launch success. 

The four archetypes in our model are: 

  1. Trailblazer: Drugs that have high differentiation entering an undeveloped market have lots of opportunity, but need to cut their own path. 
  2. Disrupter: A product with high differentiation launching into a mature market will have to alter the status quo. 
  3. Pathfinder: Products who have low differentiation launching into an undeveloped market will have to find the targeted stakeholders and develop marketing that speaks to their needs. 
  4. Go-Getter: In this category, with low differentiation in a mature market, marketers need to find  differentiation beyond what is known or thought to be known.

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Herspiegel is a leading professional services firm helping biotech start-ups and the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies navigate the path from science to brand performance and change patients’ lives. We are committed to using strategic insights from medical to commercial to market access to solve critical problems.