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Four Key Elements of Drug Launch Planning

Critical Factors to Ensure Successful Drug Launches

Discovery and clinical teams do their best to develop new treatment options that address healthcare professionals (HCP) and unmet patient needs in a meaningful way. The commercial team’s responsibility is to educate the market and ensure an understanding of the need, raise awareness of the product, and ensure patient access to the product. The new product launch process is where you accurately define the opportunity and set the stage for the marketing of the brand.

Download this paper to learn how to:

  1. Define the market
  2. Gain differentiated customer insights
  3. Forecasting and testing responses to the target product profile
  4. Creating an initial brand strategy and launch plan
Four Key Elements of Successful Drug Launch Planning

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Herspiegel is a leading professional services firm helping biotech start-ups and the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies navigate the path from science to brand performance and change patients’ lives. We are committed to using strategic insights from medical to commercial to market access to solve critical problems.